At almost every event TSV does, flat screen televisions are used to display images, videos, presentations, product demos, live feeds and more. That’s why we offer LED televisions from 32” all the way to 90”, and resolution options of 1080p or 4K Ultra HD, ensuring your attendees will be able to see every detail! Now, how do you determine what you need when it comes to flat screens?
Audience Size
A bigger audience or room means a bigger screen or multiple screens. For example, a larger audience may require not only two 70” screens at the front of the room, but may also need two more screens, toward the back portion of the room, so everyone can see ensuring there isn’t a bad seat in the house! When multiple screens are needed, adjusting to smaller screen sizes may be a more budget-friendly option that still activates the space and gives optimal viewing to everyone!
Viewing Distance
How far away your audience will be from your screen will determine a lot about the type of screen you will need. Screen size and resolution play key roles in the viewing distance of your audience. Everyone wants to see the action clearly, let us help you find the best fit.
1080p or 4K Ultra HD
As video “standards” evolve, so do an audience’s expectations. Where once 720p was considered the “standard” in “High-Definition”, we now see that audiences tend to consider that resolution to be on the low-end of a professional video activation; with 1080p/1080i very much the normal “starting point” for video. Activations with high-detail, precision branding or a stunning audience experience is key, even higher resolutions like 4K are the measure for a good video activation. Our video experts can help determine which resolutions are best for the experience and budget.
Screen Orientation
Portrait vs. landscape - How a screen needs to be oriented simply depends on the content that needs to be displayed. Presentations like Keynote/PowerPoint slides, or movies/films are almost always displaying content in the traditional “landscape” (or horizontal) orientation. Activations that are being run from an iphone/smartphone/ipad/tablet however, require the screen to be oriented in a “portrait” or vertical orientation, so that the device can display its content in full-screen, with perfect detail to the presentation.